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 Couleurs pour Star Trek

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Messages : 2304
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2012
Age : 60
Localisation : Long oeil

Couleurs pour Star Trek Empty
MessageSujet: Couleurs pour Star Trek   Couleurs pour Star Trek I_icon_minitimeLun 21 Mai 2018 - 20:25

(j'ajouterai de l'info plus tard...plus une traduction, après Torcan)!!
Want to know what colors are on the 3-meter (11-foot) Star Trek: The Original Series starship Enterprise studio model?
Couleurs pour Star Trek 0ecff210

Below are the colorimeter readings for the colors we uncovered during our sanding tests and other conservation work on the model. They are based on the nonproprietary L A B color space, which includes all perceptible colors. The LAB color space identifies colors through precise measures on three axes, in this case L (lightness), A (red-green), and B (yellow-blue).

For more information on the science of color perception, standardization and use, explore the National Museum of Natural History’s new exhibit, Color in a New Light. The exhibit examines the differences between additive color systems (color created using light, such as on a television or computer monitor) and subtractive color systems (color created using pigments, such as on dyed fabric or painted surfaces) – as well as the many different organizing schema that have been created by scientists, manufacturers, and artists to systematize colors.

The paint colors used in the conservation of the studio model were matched to colors uncovered during the Museum’s exhaustive research on the artifact. Microscopic color samples revealed the number of paint layers in different parts of the model and guided the Museum’s decisions about where to conduct sanding tests. In addition, there were some places on the model where original paint could be seen directly. Dave Wilson, a museum specialist, matched the color and determined the values we share below.

The Museum mixed the base color (hull gray-green) and painted the model before advisors Bill George and John Goodson of Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), as well as Kim Smith of Pulse Evolution, arrived on site. The detail paint colors used on the model were custom blended by Kim Smith. The final composition of those colors were adjusted slightly in intensity and hue to match historic images of the model.

We’ve provided the closest possible commercial matches to the actual colors identified on the model itself. Modelers will understand, though, that the appearance of any color will vary based on how it is applied (paintbrush, airbrush, etc.), how many coats are applied, level of gloss, how colors are juxtaposed, and under what lighting the final piece appears. And because colors need to scale with changes in size (smaller pieces need to be lighter than larger ones to achieve the same final look), the final choices for any application on a model will also depend on that model’s size. But this should be enough to get you started.

You can learn more about the entire process of preserving the Enterprise studio model on our project page and see how we plan to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek with three days of special programming. #BoldlyGo50

Have fun!

1)    Production Hull Gray-Green; LAB: L 64.45  A -3.53  B 2.40, Approximate match: Benjamin Moore “Heather Gray” # 2139-40, Note: Actual match is less green and less yellow (chip currently available from Benjamin Moore).
Voici des exemples de teintes, n'oubliez pas que chaque écran peut avoir des variances de teintes.
Du plus près, au moins près.
Couleurs pour Star Trek St-gra10
Couleurs pour Star Trek St-gra12
Couleurs pour Star Trek St-gra11
Couleurs pour Star Trek St-gra13
Couleurs pour Star Trek St-gra14

2)    Pilot Hull Blue-Gray; LAB: L 62.96  A -1.97  B -4.20, Approximate match: Sherwin Williams “Babbling Brooke” # HGSW 3364, Note: Actual match is slightly darker, and slightly less red.

3)    Light Gray accent color; LAB: L 81.37  A -2.23  B -0.37, Approximate match: Pratt and Lambert “Nickel” #2232, Note: No adjustments needed (“Calibrated Colors IV” color deck).

4)    Medium Gray accent color; LAB: L 66.89  A -0.55  B 3.99, Approximate match: Pratt and Lambert “ Half-tone” #2298, Note: No adjustments needed (“Calibrated Colors IV” color deck).

5)    Dark Gray accent color; LAB: L 49.13  A -0.52  B  1.20, Approximate match: Pratt and Lambert
“Gettysburg” #2242, Note: No adjustments needed (“Calibrated Colors IV” color deck).

6)    Yellow markings; LAB: L 79.72  A  -10.24  B  56.78, Approximate match: FS 595B # 23785, Note: Actual match is slightly darker, slightly greener, and slightly less yellow.

7)    Red markings; LAB: L 37.26  A 40.76  B 16.79, Approximate match: Valspar “Cut-ruby” #1009-4, Note: Actual match slightly less red and slightly less yellow.

Cool    Turbo Lift Green; LAB: L 46.63  A -5.39  B 5.09, Approximate match: FS 595B #34159, Note: Actual match slightly lighter, slightly less green and slightly more yellow.

9)    Dorsal Aqua accent color; LAB: L 56.60  A -21.72  B -17.72, Approximate match: FS 595B #35275. Note: Requires thinning to a very transparent wash.  

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Messages : 2304
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2012
Age : 60
Localisation : Long oeil

Couleurs pour Star Trek Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Couleurs pour Star Trek   Couleurs pour Star Trek I_icon_minitimeDim 13 Oct 2019 - 17:09

POINT IMPORTANT: Pour filmer, ils éclairent la maquette avec beaucoup de lumière, ce qui la fait paraitre plus blanche que la couleur indiquée.
Alors, à votre choix, utilisez ces couleurs comme référence de base, pour arriver à vos propres couleurs.
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Couleurs pour Star Trek
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